Friday, November 25, 2011


There should not be such discrimination. The policy makers have made this discrimination, so all the M.A(EDUCATION) qualifiers are suffering.

In the world NO master degree is of ONE year except M.ED. It is astonished- How it is being considered as a master degree and is equivalent to M.A in Education.

One person after PG in a subject from any stream doing B.Ed( one year), then Studying M.Ed(one year) and become eligible for Lecturer in education in both Teachers' Training Institute and General Higher Education Institute having Education as a Liberal subject.

On the other hand One person Studying Education as a subject at +2 level( two year), Education as Honors subject at +3 level(three years), M.A in Education(two years), M.Phil in Education(one year),PH.D in Education(minimum Two years) total put together studying Education as a subject for MORE THAN TEN YEARS, but not eligible for lecturer in Teachers' Training Institutes, only he/she is eligible for Liberal Education subject in General Higher Education Institutes.

The policy/the policy makers argue that M.Ed is a professional degree and M.A in Education is not Professional degree. Here, it is the matter for discussion that, if M.Ed is a professional degree, then where it is studied from..? Ans will be: It is studied from Professional Training Institutes as all Teachers' Training Institutes are Professional in nature. If it is so, then M.ED degree qualifiers should be eligible for These Professional institutes ONLY, not for Liberal Education Subject institutes.

The Findings are:

(A) Thus these two qualifications in one subjects is creating Dilemma and Confusions among all the students studying M.A in Education.

(B) M.A in Education is Loosing its value and Existence in India

(C) All the M.A in Education pass outs are getting mental frustration as M.Ed qualifiers creating problems in their way for getting jobs

(D) After studying TEN years in education, no need to study B.ED and M.Ed again.

(E) The Course of study or the Curriculum of M.A in Education is more vast than M.Ed syllabus.

(F) M.A in Education is a real master degree of two years, where as M.Ed is a professional course after B.Ed of One year only.


(1) M.A in Education should be the qualification for Lecturer in Education in General Higher Education Institutes, not M.ED

(2) As argued M.Ed is a professional course, should be meant for Teachers' Training Institutes, Not for Liberal Education subject.

(3) As M.ED is a higher degree after B.Ed should be meant for Secondary Education School Teacher -ship that is PGT post, as the basic graduation/ post graduation is from a school subject.

(4) OR both M.A in Education and M.Ed should be Equivalent each other and M.Ed should be made for TWO years course as is treated as master degree.

(5) if not any one from above suggestions, M.A in Education should be abolished from all the Higher Education Institutes. There should be only M.Ed Course throughout India.

(6) The future career of the students of M.A in Education and of the aspirants for studying M.A in Education should not be darkened by such discrimination.

Source(s): website

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